25 Sep 2024

Need for Code and Ombudsman for all new home buyers echoed at Labour Party conference

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The ‘Fair deal for all new home buyers’ event, hosted by the New Homes Quality Board, took place at the Labour Party conference this week.  

Chaired by Baroness Ayesha Hazarika MBE, the event discussed how the proposed 1.5 million new homes to be built does not come at the expense of quality, by ensuring that all consumers across the UK are protected through the New Homes Quality Code and the New Homes Ombudsman Service. 


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Thanks to all panellists and our Chair for an informative discussion, which clearly demonstrated the need for the Code and Ombudsman to be put on a statutory footing.  

Key takeaways include:  

  • Hearing a customer’s experience of using the Ombudsman and the need for all consumers to have this channel for redress: Andy Vernal - who went through the Ombudsman process, and whom would not have had the opportunity to resolve his matter with his new home - had the New Homes Quality Code and Ombudsman not been in place.  

  • Learning from the Lead Ombudsman, Sarah Hesp, about how the Ombudsman works and the value it offers to consumers like Andy, and how other consumers are being turned away, because their developer is not covered by the Code.  

  • Understanding the importance of having the Code and Ombudsman service in place from a developer’s point of view – with insights from Group Customer & Marketing Director Matt Grayson at Redrow.  

  • Listening to Luke Myer MP about the importance of quality as well as quantity when building new homes.  

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New Homes Quality Board Chief Executive Emma Toms commented:

Without doubt, the experiences shared at the event - from consumer, ombudsman and developer perspectives clearly underline the importance of having a level playing for all new home buyers to receive the same level of protection, offered through the New Homes Quality Code and independent New Homes Ombudsman.

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(Left to right) Matt Grayson, Redrow Group Customer & Marketing Director; Sara Hesp, Lead Ombudsman NHOS; Luke Myer MP; Baroness Ayesha Hazarika MBE, broadcaster, journalist and political commentator; Emma Toms, Chief Executive New Homes Quality Board; Andy Vernal, Consumer who went through the Ombudsman process.