24 Jun 2024

Developer fee review provides greater SME access to Code

Each year, we review our fees for developers, taking account of the feedback we have received from developers over the course of the year, plus challenges in the operating environment and any particular issues experienced by different sized developers. 

As such, we have undertaken a full Fee Review for our new financial year, 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025. 

Greater access to the New Homes Quality Code for SMEs 

The key updates are: 

  • Fee Savings for Smaller Developers: Developers with turnover below £40 million will benefit from fee reductions between 47% to 80%. 

  • Fee Savings for Mid-Sized Developers: For developers with turnover between £40 million and £100 million, the fee reductions will range from 8% to 50%. 

  • New 'Top' Tier Fee: A new 'Top' Tier Fee has been introduced for developers with a turnover exceeding £3 billion. 

All revisions to our fees take effect for developers whose renewal is due from 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025, as well as any new developers who apply for NHQB registration during this period.  

The revised fees for the period 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025 follow a 20% reduction in fees for most developers, which was introduced in July 2023.  

New Homes Quality Board Chief Executive Emma Toms said: “It is widely acknowledged across the industry that smaller and medium-sized developers are facing a particularly challenging environment.  

“The significant reductions in fees for these developer groups aim to help those organisations who are already signed up with the NHQB to continue their commitment to the Code, while also providing greater accessibility for other smaller and mid-sized developers who want to start their engagement with the Code.”  

Full details of the revised fees are available on our website here.